New record of the Pampas cat of the Leopardus colocola group for the dry Chaco of Argentina


  • Laura G. Gattino Universidad Católica de Salta, Salta, Argentina. Laboratorio de Ecología Aplicada – LEAC, UNSa, Salta, Argentina.
  • Carlos Gómez Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas (CONICET), Argentina.
  • Pablo Peri INTA EEA Santa Cruz, Universidad Nacional de la Patagonia Austral (UNPA), CONICET, Santa Cruz, Argentina.
  • Rubén D. Coria INTA Estación Experimental Agropecuaria Santiago del Estero, Santiago del Estero, Argentina.
  • Roxana Ledesma INTA Estación Experimental Agropecuaria Santiago del Estero, Santiago del Estero, Argentina.
  • Roxana Ledesma INTA Estación Experimental Agropecuaria Santiago del Estero.
  • Mauricio Núñez Regueiro Universidad Católica de Salta, Salta, Argentina. Instituto de Bio y Geociencias del NOA (IBIGEO) – UNSa–CONICET, Salta, Argentina.



cats, distribution, Dry Chaco, grasslands, Northwestern Argentina


The actual distribution of members of the Leopardus colocola complex in the Argentine Chaco is poorly known. This record was part of a monitoring study with camera traps of native mammals in the Argentine Dry Chaco, in areas with different livestock densities. The detection occurred in the province of Santiago del Estero (latitude -28.05277; longitude -64.29611), it is the second report in the province and one of the few in the region. This record provides information on the presence of the species in the area and the possibility of it being found in similar areas of the Dry Chaco, contributing to the knowledge of its distribution and type of habitat.


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Foto de Leopardus colocola capturada por trampas cámara en Santiago del Estero, Argentina



How to Cite

Gattino, L. G. ., Gómez, C., Peri, P., Coria, R. D., Ledesma, R., Ledesma, R., & Núñez Regueiro, M. (2023). New record of the Pampas cat of the Leopardus colocola group for the dry Chaco of Argentina. Notas Sobre Mamíferos Sudamericanos, 5.


