About the Journal

A mammalogist's notebook


How many of us have an individual record of some locality where we work, where we have captured or photographed some rare species, or a species with few records in our country? How many of us have observed some species where it “should not be” or “doing something it is not supposed to do”? Perhaps our knowledge is still too limited for many species, and therefore a relatively common, but not properly documented behavior, comes as a surprise to us.

Notas sobre Mamíferos Sudamericanos, first published in 2019, was planned as a way to document this kind of information. The journal was created to generate a place where unknown aspects of mammals could be described.

Aims and Scope

Notas sobre Mamíferos Sudamericanos (NMamSud) publishes original articles in a short-note format. Articles may be in Spanish, Portuguese, or English.

The aim of NMamSud is to publish information on the distribution of Neotropical mammals, including new records at local or regional levels, contributing to the knowledge of the biodiversity of South America and the Neotropics in a broad sense. NMamSud also publishes ecological information that, despite being based on limited observations, can be useful to increase the knowledge of the mammals of the region.

Articles can deal both with native and/or introduced species, including taxonomic lists, limited records of unknown species, data on genetics, ecology and natural history (e.g., diet, use of space), morphology and anatomy, physiology, and behavior.

Papers on mammal parasites are also accepted, as well as studies on health and epidemiological surveillance in South American mammals.

In addition, the journal will occasionally publish technical reports aimed at providing quality scientific-technical information that improves decision-making involving mammal species or conservation plans in the Neotropics.

Peer review process

Manuscripts will be evaluated based on the opinions of at least two external peer reviewers.

Publication frequency

NMamSud publishes one issue per year, but notes are published continuously, as soon as they are ready.

Publication fees

The publication fee is twenty (20) US dollars for the general public, and ten (10) US dollars for members of SAREM. These fees are used to pay publishing costs. An extra cost can be charged if articles exceed the maximum length, or if authors ask for modifications after publication (see Editorial Guidelines).

Payment methods can be found on this page.

Open Access policy

Open Access logoNMamSud provides immediate Open Access to its content, which means free availability on the public Internet for any user to read, download, copy, distribute, or print.

Archiving policy

NMamSud stores all its published articles on the Internet Archive.
Authors are allowed and encouraged to deposit all versions of their papers (preprint or submitted manuscript, postprint or author's accepted manuscript, published article or version of record) in any institutional or subject repository, their homepages, or academic social networks. In any case, the publisher source must be acknowledged, and a link to the published version with DOI must be provided when applicable (i.e., for the published article).

Digital preservation policy

This journal stores information in PDF format on this site and in the Internet Archive digital library.

Code of ethics

The editorial team of NMamSud stands closely by the code of ethics and malpractice in publication (based on the Committee on Publication Ethics COPE's Best Practice Guidelines), and it is expected of authors and reviewers to follow these guidelines on ethical behavior.

Download our Code of Ethics.

NMamSud employs the CopySpider software to automatically detect plagiarism in all submitted manuscripts.

Interoperability protocol

This journal is published online using the Open Journal Systems (OJS) software (v. (https://pkp.sfu.ca/software/ojs). The latter incorporates the OAI–PMH (Open Archive Initiative – Protocol for Metadata Harvesting) interoperability protocol (https://www.openarchives.org/pmh) that allows access to the metadata of the published contents so that they can be easily and automatically collected by other online storage and distribution systems, such as indexing, abstracting and cataloguing databases, digital repositories, and harvesters, for greater dissemination and transmission of those contents on the Internet.

Protocol: OAI–PMH Version 2.0
Metadata formats: RFC1807, Dublin Core, MARC, MARC21
Route for harvesters: https://ojs.sarem.org.ar/index.php/nms/oai