Consumption of muscovy duck eggs by brown capuchin monkeys in a peri-urban forest in the Amazon
DOI: clave:
diet, land use, nest predation, Rondônia, vocalizationResumen
We report the capture and consumption of muscovy duck Cairina moschata (Linnaeus, 1758) eggs by brown capuchin Sapajus apella (Linnaeus, 1758) in a peri-urban environment close to Porto Velho city, Brazil. We observed a young brown capuchin taking two eggs from a nest. It positioned one egg between the legs, biting it with the canine tooth, bringing it to the mouth, and turning it to suck out the content. This is the first report with detailed information on how brown capuchins monkeys capture and consume eggs. Consumption of domestic animals can represent a threat since brown capuchins monkeys can be retaliated for that.
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