New record of the woolly-tailed opossum Glironia venusta Thomas, 1912 in the Chiquitano Dry Forest of Bolivia




activity patterns, camera-traps, Chiquitano Dry Forest, canopy, individuals


This work is the first exploratory study carried out in Bolivia to know the biodiversity of the canopy. Twelve camera traps were installed for 67 days, from January to March 2023, in the Centro de Estudios del Bosque Seco Tropical Alta Vista. A total of 89 capture events were recorded; 50 belonged to Glironia venusta, where the capture frequency was 6.22 × 100 traps/day. The activity patterns recorded for G. venusta show four activity peaks. Additionally, the identification of individuals is proposed, based on the shapes left by the dark lines in the region of the face.


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Individuos de Glironia venusta identificados en las trampas-cámara del dosel en el Centro de Estudios del Bosque Seco Tropical Alta Vista



How to Cite

Acosta Salvatierra, L. H., Barboza-Marquez, K., & Malpartida Fererro , N. X. . (2024). New record of the woolly-tailed opossum Glironia venusta Thomas, 1912 in the Chiquitano Dry Forest of Bolivia. Notas Sobre Mamíferos Sudamericanos, 6.


